The Hidden Costs Of A Bathroom Remodel
The holidays are right around the corner, and perhaps you would like to have your bathroom remodeled before your holiday guests arrive. Well before you even think reaching for that demo sledge hammer there are some things you need to know. A bathroom remodel, is rarely a simple feat, especially if you are trying to […]
Help Your Plumbing Beat The Heat – Summertime Plumbing Tips
Summertime means fun in the sun, relaxation, and BBQ’s. As the days get longer, and the temperatures get warmer, it is important to make sure you are taking the proper precautions to protect your plumbing from the sweltering heat. Temperature can have a huge impact on your plumbing, even during the summer months. Help you […]
What Is The Lifespan of Your Plumbing
Have you ever wondered what the lifespan of your plumbing is? If your like most people, you probably haven’t given it much thought until now. Most people are blissfully unaware of their plumbing until they are forced to deal with a major plumbing emergency. Being mindful of how old your plumbing is and how long […]