Staying on top of your home maintenance can help keep your home in tip top shape and help prevent unexpected breakdowns and repairs. While not all home repairs can be prevented, many of them can with a regular service plan. Take your drains for example, regular drain cleaning can do a world of good for your plumbing system. Regular drain cleaning can help keep things moving and help you avoid costly repairs down the road. Here we make the case for regular drain cleaning, as part of your home maintenance program.
Prevents Clogs
Clogs are one of the most common plumbing problems. Regular drain cleaning is a good way to prevent clogs, especially if your plumbing is prone to clogs. During regular usage clogs can easily form from: hair, grease, food particles, and other debris. It’s important to keep things moving with regular drain cleaning. For really bad, continual clogs you may need more than routine drain cleaning. Video pipe inspection is a non-invasive way to get to the root of the problem (pun intended) without having to tear up any ground.
Eliminate Bad Smells
Nobody likes the smell of sewer emitting from their drains. The most common reason drains smell bad is a dried p-trap. Regular drain cleaning can help eliminate bad smells from your drains by continually cleaning the p-trap and insuring that there is a water barrier protecting against sewer gasses traveling back up through your pipes. Heavy commercial use, like with hair salons and restaurants, can cause frequent clogs, from hair and food, which can grow bacteria quickly leading to a bad smell. If you own a business you may want to consider regular drain cleaning to prevent bad smells from escaping from your drains.
Save Money

Home maintenance helps prevent future problems from getting out of hand. Regular drain cleaning can help keep things moving in your plumbing which can help prevent a major blockage, backflow problem, burst or broken pipes, issues with water pressure, and more. Plumbing repairs can get expensive, especially the more extensive they are. Taking care of your drains with regular drain cleaning by a professional can save you a ton of money in the long run, not to mention give you peace of mind that everything is running smoothly.
For more home maintenance tips check out our other articles.
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